Sunday, January 2, 2011

From All-Natural to Clomid Challenge

They say if you are over the age of 35, try for 6 months then see someone. Had we known then what we know now, I would have taken a different route. 

So we tried naturally for 6 months but I didn't know anything about fertility, ovulation, cervical mucous and positioning, or basal body temp. I mean, teenagers get pregnant. How hard could it be?

Apparently, as many post-graduate folks will tell you, the degree doesn't mean squat when it comes to getting pregnant.

So, with Kaiser Permanente as our healthcare provider, I went to see my OB-Gyn. She and the nurses were very hopeful. At the time, I liked it. It's not that I think she didn't give it to me straight but none of them really told me that the odds were against me then, and more so now.

Just the fact that I was there, given my age, and that we had been trying for 6 months meant that every month counted. No one tells you that. Time, where fertility is concerned, is usually not on your side. 

The first step is always a Clomid Challenge or its generic form (clomiphene citrate). On Days 3-8 of your cycle (Day 1 being the first day of menstruation), the woman takes 50-200 mg (depending on your physician) of Clomid per day. Blood is drawn on Day 3 to measure FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and Estradiol and then on Day 10 to measure FSH again.

Chart snatched from

These numbers are very important for any next steps you will be taking. Sadly, I did not understand their importance. You want your D3 FSH and Estradiol levels to be low and D10 FSH to also be low. Normal D3 Estradiol level is 25-75 pg/ml.

I did the Clomid Challenge three times in conjunction with an IUI (intra-uterine insemination) or what's often called artificial insemination. They always caution that there is a chance for multiples if you do this since you are stimulating your ovaries. We didn't have a problem with any of that since none of them (obviously) took.

My levels were all over the place 
D3 FSH 13, Estadiol 64 and D10 FSH 14
D3 FSH 10, Estradiol 86*  and D10 FSH 12
D3 FSH 11, Estradiol 53 and D10 FSH 15

*Note: This high Estradiol level is helping suppress FSH level; gives a lower FSH value.

My FSH was always in the "reduced egg reserve" area except when my Estradiol suppressed it. With my initial values, I should have started talking with the fertility experts after the first Challenge. But then Kaiser doesn't really openly give the referral until after three attempts. Had I known, I would have pushed for it back in 2009. But then, hindsight is 20/20.

So, ladies, if you're reading this, look closely at your values. They really tell you a lot.

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